jueves, 20 de enero de 2022
martes, 18 de enero de 2022
lunes, 17 de enero de 2022
sábado, 8 de enero de 2022
Aprendemos sobre la Ciudadanía Digital en Estonia YES!
El proyecto Yellow European Stars (YES!) retoma las movilidades físicas del programa Erasmus+. La delegación española partió hacia Estonia el pasado 16 de noviembre con mucha ilusión por compartir esta experiencia con el resto de países. Formada por tres miembros del claustro de profesorado: Diego Sánchez Pérez (Jefe del departamento de Inglés), Cathaysa Barroso (Tecnología) y Ofelia Aguilar (Inglés) y por cinco miembros del alumnado de 2º Bachillerato: Binny Vinod Chainani, Candela Jazmín Gutiérrez González, Federico Di Montefiano, Laura Linares Bello y Stephan Wilhelm Olof Barner Rasmussen dicha delegación representó a nuestro centro formidablemente.
The Yellow European Stars (YES!) project resumes the physical mobilities of the Erasmus+ programme. The Spanish delegation left for Estonia on 16th November with great enthusiasm to share this experience with the rest of the countries. Formed by three members of the teaching staff: Diego Sánchez Pérez (Head of English Department), Cathaysa Barroso (Technology) and Ofelia Aguilar (English) and five members of the 2nd Baccalaureate students: Binny Vinod Chainani, Candela Jazmín Gutiérrez González, Federico Di Montefiano, Laura Linares Bello and Stephan Wilhelm Olof Barner Rasmussen, the delegation, formidably represented our school.
On our first day of mobility we met our hosts from the Kuressaare Ametikool school and the other delegations: Croatia, Turkey, Portugal and Italy. We were sorry that the Italian delegation could not join us face-to-face, but we were happy to meet them at least virtually. We started the day with a few words from the Headmaster of the school and some activities to break the ice and get to know each other better. Then we divided into international teams for a treasure hunt that allowed us to discover the specialisations taught in this vocational training centre and its small, but wonderful settings.
Continuamos con la presentación de los distintos productos de las delegaciones que se encargaron de tratar diferentes temas sobre la Democracia y la Unión Europea. Es necesario destacar la aportación de nuestra delegación con un vídeo que representaba los diferentes retos a los que se enfrenta la Unión Europea. Nuestro alumnado utilizó el humor para tratar temas muy delicados logrando al mismo tiempo entretener y hacer reflexionar. Puedes verlo en el siguiente enlace: https://youtu.be/uGOcBmIjt6M
We continued with the presentation of the different products of the delegations that dealt with different topics on Democracy and the European Union. It is necessary to highlight the contribution of our delegation with a video that represented the different challenges faced by the European Union. Our students used humour to deal with very sensitive issues while being entertaining and thought-provoking at the same time. You can watch it on the following link: https://youtu.be/uGOcBmIjt6M
Mientras el profesorado se reunía para tratar los diferentes aspectos organizativos del proyecto y las próximas movilidades, nuestro alumnado realizaba un taller sobre diseño digital. Finalmente, nos reunimos en una cena de bienvenida organizada por el centro, donde conocimos los trajes regionales de Saaremaa y probamos diferentes platos y postres típicos.
While the teaching staff was meeting to discuss the different organisational aspects of the project and the upcoming learning mobilities, our students were doing a workshop on digital design. Finally, we met at a welcome dinner organised by the school, where we got to view the regional costumes of Saaremaa and tasted different typical dishes and desserts.
En nuestro segundo día, empezamos con una puesta en común en pequeños grupos internacionales sobre los servicios electrónicos disponibles en cada país y el impacto de la Unión Europea. Continuamos con un debate en el que los equipos se enfrentan uno a uno, posicionándose a favor o en contra en temas tan delicados como el voto online o la inmigración. Nos sentimos orgullosos del papel que realizó nuestra delegación durante la actividad.
On our second day, we started by brainstorming in small international groups on the e-services available in each country and the impact that the European Union has. We continued with a debate in which teams went head to head, taking positions for or against on sensitive issues such as online voting or immigration. We were proud of the role played by our delegation during the activity.
Durante la tarde, visitamos el castillo de Kuressaare, hermosa fortaleza medieval donde nuevamente nos dividimos en pequeños grupos internacionales para desentrañar los diferentes secretos de la exposición.
During the afternoon, we visited the Kuressaare Castle, a beautiful mediaeval fortress, where we again divided ourselves into small international groups to unravel the different secrets of the exhibition.
El sábado realizamos un recorrido alrededor de la isla de Saaremaa visitando los lugares más emblemáticos. Agradecemos infinitamente a Kihelkonna Kool, otro centro educativo, por acogernos durante el almuerzo.
On Saturday we went on a tour around the island of Saaremaa visiting the most emblematic places. We are very grateful to Kihelkonna Kool, another educational centre, for hosting our lunch.
Finalmente, el domingo visitamos Tallin, la capital de Estonia, donde nos recibieron para realizar una interesante visita al Parlamento estonio. Agradecemos infinitamente a Urve Tiidus, actual diputada, ex-ministra de cultura de Estonia y ex-alcaldesa de la localidad de Kuressaare por acogernos en un día cerrado al público general. Nos fascinó conocer cómo funciona el parlamento, especialmente en su faceta online. ¿Sabías que puedes convertirte en un ciudadano digital estonio? Haz clic en el siguiente enlace: E-citizenship Estonia.
Finally, on Sunday we visited Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, where we were welcomed for an interesting visit to the Estonian Parliament. We are extremely grateful to Urve Tiidus, current Member of Parliament, former Estonian Minister of Culture and former Mayor of Kuressaare, for hosting us on a day that was closed to the general public, and we were fascinated to learn about how the parliament works, especially its online side. Did you know that you can become an Estonian digital citizen? Click on the following link: E-citizenship Estonia.
Durante la tarde hicimos un viaje en el tiempo al realizar una visita guiada por el casco histórico de Tallin, declarado Patrimonio Histórico de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1997. Sus orígenes datan del siglo XIII con la edificación de un castillo construido por los caballeros cruzados de la Orden Teutónica. Las edificaciones, especialmente iglesias y casas de mercaderes se han conservado de manera impresionante a pesar de incendios y guerras.
During the afternoon we took a trip back in time with a guided tour of the historic centre of Tallinn, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. Its origins date back to the 13th century with the construction of a castle built by the crusader knights of the Teutonic Order. The buildings, especially churches and merchants' houses, have been impressively preserved despite fires and wars.
martes, 4 de enero de 2022
Ciudades y Comunidades Sostenibles
Movilidad a Croacia - CreActive! - Noviembre 2021
Lunes día 8 de noviembre:
Tras nuestras exposiciones, pasamos a realizar un taller de cerámica, donde tanto estudiantes como profesores pudieron elaborar una placa con una letra correspondiente al alfabeto glagolítico.
After lunch, we went to Veliki Tabor, a beautiful mediaeval castle on
the top of a hill and it was very close to the Slovenian border.
A visit to a wastewater treatment plant had been arranged for Wednesday,
but unfortunately, it couldn’t be done due to the epidemic situation suffered
in Croatia at that point in time. However, we could do a virtual visit and
learn about its history and importance thanks to the information the Internet
Later on, we could enjoy a guided tour to the most interesting and
symbolic landscapes of Zagreb, Croatian capital city. Unfortunately, the damage
from the last earthquake is still visible on the front of the buildings and
interiors, but we were able to take full advantage of the time that was granted
to us, to wander the streets. Without any doubt, a city worth visiting once in
a lifetime, as it holds great history amongst its streets, a treasure for those
who can truly appreciate it.
That Friday was the last full day we had the chance to spend
in Croatia. It was when the students presented the project's work in their international
groups, showing interesting ideas that surprised everyone because of their
Following this, we took the letter from the Glagolitic script we had
previously done, as a present from the Croatian team and a reminder of this
experience and a part of the students from the school made a dance for us, and
we all shared a great time and laughed and enjoyed each other.
Sábado día 13 de noviembre:
No son vacaciones, por Reyes Díaz González
Nuestra compañera, Reyes Díaz González del departamento de Agrarias participó recientemente en una movilidad como profesora acompañante del...
My land, your home. Welcome to my country. From 21st to 26th January we have celebrated the II Transnational Meeting and the I Student...
El proyecto CreActive! llega a su fin y como broche final hemos elaborado este eBook donde recogemos todas las actividades, movilidade...
Nuestra compañera, Reyes Díaz González del departamento de Agrarias participó recientemente en una movilidad como profesora acompañante del...