domingo, 18 de febrero de 2018

Students' Questionnaire

Nuestros alumnos muestran sus preferencias a la hora de viajar. Los resultados se presentan por país y son muy interesantes.

Luisa Schmid

Last week with our new friends from Croatia, Turkey, Portugal and Estonia was a great experience. During these days, we learnt a lot about other and different cultures, made new friends and also heard interesting things we didn’t know about our island.

On Sunday when we had to receive our host, I was really nervous because I didn´t know what was expecting me the  following week: if I would like the people, if they would like me... but in the end there was no reason to be nervous. 

All the week we did a full programm, we went to all the famous places from Tenerife, we visited La Laguna, the Teide National Park, El Medano, the Siam Park, we did sightseeing... We also visited a special hotel adapted for handicaped people, we did interesting workshop at school... In our free time, on Tueday we went all together to the beach and played volleyball, talked, learnt things about them and grew together.

This week has been a new experience for me and I’m glad to be part of this project. I met new people from other countries, I also had the opportunity to meet and know better the people with whom I go to school and share a classroom.

At the last day, we went to the Siam Park and I think this activity was the one in which we grew together most, we overcame together some attractions, talked and laughed a lot and had an awesome time.
I was really surprised to see how hard it could be to say goodbye to people that you only knew for some days, how much a group can grow together in five days and how much you can miss them.

I’m really looking forward to see some people again when I travel in May and I hope I will have the same great experience that we had last week.

Aurora Villalobos

I will try to write what it has meant for me to participate in this wonderful Route Docs program of the Erasmus + project, but I must say that it is impossible to express in words all that I have experienced and realized along this intense and beautiful week.
It all started by picking up Stela, a Croatian student, at the airport, to share with me and my family these days. This has been a great experience for me, since in addition to practicing the English language I was able to have the experience of having a sister again.

In this way, I have been able to share with her and other students of the program all that our beloved island of Tenerife offers us. We have been able to enjoy its charm thanks to its diversity, climate, authenticity and, above all, its volcanic origin.
On Monday, we had the opportunity to start with an official act of welcome by authorities, to continue with a guided tour along the High School. Then, in order to get to know the south of the island, its wonderful fine sand beaches that run along most of its coast with its warm temperature and constant sun, we went to the Hotel Mar y Sol located in Los Cristianos and in El Médano, we could observe various water sports, such as Wind surf or Kite surf.
To continue, on Tuesday we were doing different activities in the school, such as choosing the logo of our project, reproduction of the Istanbul video, Job-shadowing, workshop and conference Video and Photography Edition. In the afternoon, all the students of the project went to eat at the beach and spend a good afternoon bathing and laughing.

Wednesday was a very exciting day, as we had the opportunity to head towards Vilaflor, the highest town in Spain, and reach the Teide National Park.
 Here we could go through the typical landscapes in which all the foreigners take photos, as is Roque de García with the volcanic cone in the background. We took a group photo, which was then published in the local newspaper of Arona. We were in the Visitors Center of Cañada Blanca and El Portillo. In the museum we learned about the geological, botanical and archaeological aspects of the Park. Back to our houses we made stops at different viewpoints, such as La Tarta.

In order to know the Metropolitan Area, center of the busy life of the island, on Thursday we headed to La Laguna. Place where many of the cultural and leisure events take place, with a rich historical and architectural legacy of Tenerife, with its emblematic museums, squares and parks. We toured the wide pedestrian streets framed by buildings and palaces of La Laguna, the only city of the Canary Islands that has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999, which moved us several centuries ago. We end the day moving to La Orotava, to visit the Tajinaste Winery located in volcanic land of the island that gives its wines unique tonalities and character. Highlighting the Malvasia, berry used since ancient times to elaborate the precious Canary wines that were exported to Europe and writers like William Shakespeare and Walter Scott make reference in their works.

With four intense days behind us, Friday arrived. During this day we were able to visit the Aloe Park to end the exciting visit to Siam Park. We enjoyed the different attractions very much and we were able to strengthen bonds of friendship with all the young people of the project. Finally, the Canarian mothers and fathers gave us a succulent farewell dinner with the collaboration of musical acts by teacher Esmeralda and the student Luna, who delighted us and made us spend an unforgettable farewell.
I have been very happy to participate in this project and week, which has given us the opportunity to show our island of Tenerife with its authentic traditions, parties, cuisine and friendly people that characterizes it.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate.

viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

Claudia Pérez

Dear Erasmus + committee,

   Last week was an amazing and unforgettable week from the first day to de last one.
I met a lot of people and I made a lot of friends too.

   The first day in the project I was a little bit nervous. I went with my parents to the airport to pick my girl up.
When she was already with us, we went back home. The girl was nervous too. That day we didn’t do anything special because she was very tired. We only went to a restaurant to have lunch with my family and then, in the afternoon, we went to Los Cristianos to meet with my friends and hers.
   That night we went to sleep so early because she was very tired and me too.

   The following days we went to different places from Tenerife like El Médano, La Laguna, Vilaflor...
Sometimes we went by foot, but mostly by bus. Some places were more interesting than others. My favorite one was La Orotava. I never have been there. The weather is cold and wet and the ground is very green.

   The last day was funny but a little bit sad too because they started going back home. That day there was a party in the high school. After that party, we went to the beach and we spent all night there, having fun.

   My girl was a bit shy and very friendly. The first days we both were shy to each other, but along the week we started being less shy. The bad thing is that we couldn’t communicate at all because she didn’t understand me, but it was funny because we spoke with signs. She was a good girl, very polite.

   And finally, I want to say thank you to Erasmus + committee for choosing me for this project and have the opportunity of meeting people from different countries and cultures and thank you to Sandra, for make the project happen.

¿Quiénes somos?

Aunque con algo de retraso, les presentamos nuestro sistema educativo, nuestro centro y localidad, nuestra isla, nuestro país, nuestro hogar...

Nuestro centro, nuestra localidad, nuestra isla...

Nuestro sistema educativo...

lunes, 12 de febrero de 2018

domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018

Lucía Riobó

Estimada Sandra:

Me siento afortunada de formar parte de este proyecto ERASMUS+, ya que considero que es una experiencia inolvidable.

Hasta ahora he tenido la oportunidad de recibir a Melis, una chica turca.

Unos minutos antes de que la viera en el aeropuerto, yo estaba nerviosa pero a la vez ansiosa de conocerla. Cuando llegó el momento esperado, me sentí más tranquila porque vi que la chica vino hacia mí para darme un gran abrazo.
Durante la semana realizamos numerosas actividades en grupo, como visitar el instituto y enseñárselo con una guía hecha por los alumnos españoles y también hicimos varios talleres, como clases de español para los extranjeros y otro taller, donde los estonios nos enseñaron programas de edición de video y fotografía. Otras actividades realizadas fueron, visitar el Teide, el norte de la isla, el Aloe Park, el Siam Park, Vilaflor, la Bodega Tajinaste, El Médano y el Hotel Mar y Sol.

Lo que más me ha gustado ha sido la experiencia de convivir con una persona de otro país que no conocía de nada, observar las distintas costumbres y la comunicación en otro idioma.

Shao Yuan CHEN

ERASMUS + Spain.

     Después de recoger a mi huésped el día 21 a las cinco de la tarde, cuando todos estábamos contentos, ansiosos y nerviosos por conocer a todos los nuevos compañeros extranjeros con los que compartiríamos una semana llena de aventuras y experiencias geniales, empezamos la cuenta atrás.

Día 1.

     Como siempre de rutina, nos despertamos a la misma hora para ir al Instituto. Realizamos una buena presentación para todos ellos y así, al menos, tener una cierta confianza con algunos. Más tarde, les guiamos por el Instituto para saber dónde está cada aula y cómo funcionan para que luego, estos alumnos extranjeros, asistieran a clases de español básico.
     Al mediodía, preparados para echar una caminata, visitamos el hotel Mar y Sol, una residencia vacacional diseñadas para todo tipo de personas con discapacidad. Al parecer, todos nosotros nos quedamos asombrados por los avances de  que disponían ya que eran totalmente impresionantes.

     Por la tarde, nos dirigimos al Médano para disfrutar de las vistas y del viento. Además, vimos la realización de Wind Surf and Kite Surf y entrevistamos a unas cuantas personas sobre la práctica de estas actividades.

Día 2.

Este día ha sido el más corto comparado con el resto, pero pasamos más momentos juntos fuera del horario lectivo. Habíamos empezado con la elección de logotipos para el proyecto y se decidió ganador. Justo después, reproducimos los vídeos de Estambul, donde se describía la cultura, la sociedad, la arquitectura, o la gastronomía.

Al mediodía, los alumnos estonios nos habían enseñado algunos trucos para la fotografía y la edición de videos y de fotos. Habíamos salido un rato a tomar un par de fotos y a divertirnos. Bueno, de ahí surgió que algunas personas se plantearan convertirse en futuros modelos.
Habíamos acabado rápido, por lo tanto decidimos pasar el resto de la tarde en la playa todos juntos. ¡Fue inolvidable!

Día 3.

Subimos al Teide con la mayor motivación y entusiasmo que había. Salimos muy temprano y marchamos hacia Vilaflor donde paramos para hacer un descanso.

     Después de unas horas de guagua, por fin habíamos llegado a la cima de la isla, donde se sitúa el Teide. Nos pusimos en marcha para la caminata alrededor del volcán y disfrutamos de las vistas. Mientras caminábamos, atendíamos a la explicación sobre el origen volcánico de la isla.  Después de un día largo, el cansancio nos llevó directamente a nuestras casas.

Día 4.

Después de un día cansado como el de ayer, tuvimos suerte y teníamos que ir al Instituto a las 11:00 de la mañana para estar preparados para ir a La Laguna. En nada, habíamos salido. Llegamos e hicimos un recorrido por el casco antiguo de La Laguna con una guía explicando su origen, su formación, estructura y organización. Era como estar verdaderamente en la época cuando se construyó este lugar, porque era tan bonito que te adentrabas en sus casas y veías cómo vivían en esos tiempos.

     Por la tarde, con un tiempo bastante frío, nos dirigíamos a visitar la bodega Tajinaste, en La Orotava. Allí, vimos el cultivo de uvas para la fabricación del vino y cómo eran las máquinas donde se fermentaba y almacenaba. ¡Fue súper interesante! 

Día 5.

     Sin duda alguna, este fue el mejor día y último que disfrutaríamos todos juntos. Por la mañana, visitamos Aloe Park, un parque que acoge el cultivo de aloes y otras plantas para uso doméstico, cosmético, etc. Recibimos una explicación por parte de una encargada que trabajaba allí que trataba de cómo era la agricultura en ese lugar. También de por qué se usan invernaderos para estas plantaciones.

Al mediodía, mi hora favorita, tocaba la hora de darse un baño en el Siam Park, el mejor parque acuático del mundo. Pasamos allí unas 5 horas y lo vivimos de la mejor manera posible.

     Por la noche, una reunión de despedida para estos amigos, o incluso para algunos de nosotros, familiares, que grabaríamos en nuestras mentes esta maravillosa semana y la experiencia vivida juntos. Música, comida y festejo despidió a estos dulces jóvenes de nuestra maravillosa isla y hogar.  Estonios, turcos, portugueses y croatas forman parte de esta pequeña familia y siempre serán bienvenidos.

Liying Chen Chen

      When I fisrt heard about Erasmus+ Project , without thinking it twice, I inmmediatly said yes. And when I got the message that I was in, I was very happy, beacuse I know not everyone had the chance, so I felt so lucky. The aim of this project is to show people about the tourism in the places where we live, but beyond that, I had the opportunity of meeting new people, learning about their cultures, sharing our ideas and likes and getting new experience all together.

     I have been living with other family, and it wasn't the fist time my family hosted someone, but receiving Gamze was different than the time before. I didn´t get to know her really deeply bacause the communication was a little bit hard, but she is a really nice girl.

     I couldn't meet them all, but I talked with many of the student and teachers, and I realized that steoreotypes are just stereotypes. Of course, each country is different from the others, but despite that, it doesn't matter where you come from, there will always be differences and similarities.

     The planning of the week was great, the activities were informatives but also funny and interesting. I visited places where I have never been in these 16 years  of my life, and some of them which I had no idea they exist. We had a lot of fun spending the day in Siam Park, La Laguna, at the beach and eating pizza and ice cream most of the days!

     The moment of the farewell, was really emotional and sad, it kinda look like a funeral. There were tears everywhere and lack of saying goodbye and go home. It was incredible the way I became fond of some of them in just some days.

     I would like to visit both Estonia and Portugal, and also Croatia and Turkey, but unfortunately, I can only have one option. All are amazing countries with amazing people, and wherever I go, I will be so exciting of going there and living an unforgettable experience.   Portugal is a really a good choice for me. It is a beautiful place and see all those people again will bring me the good memories and feeling of the week in Tenerife.

     Thanks to Sandra, the coordinator of this project, all the teachers, families and students, because without them, this would not be possible. I would definitely recommend this project to everyone, but especially for those who love travel and know how to appreciate little things. If I have the chance to do it over and over again, I would do it for sure!!

Luna Keller

Tenerife- rediscovering my home with ERASMUS+ (by Luna Keller)

      Last week a small group of students in Los Cristianos got the chance to be the host for students of four other nationalities. I had the pleasure of being amongst them, and having an Estonian student living at my house for a week. It was a great chance to learn more about other cultures and countries, but also to see my home through other eyes, as if it was the first time again.

      The delegations from Estonia, Portugal, Croatia and Turkey arrived Saturday and Sunday. On Monday we had a welcome ceremony where the local authorities and our principal said a few welcoming words.
 Me and Ivar

      After this we showed our guests the school and they got a Spanish lesson. The most interesting part of the day was our visit to the Mar y Sol hotel, the only one of it´s kind in Europe, 100% adapted to handicapped guests, it gives them and their family the opportunity to spend a nice holiday together. After this inspiring visit we took a bus to El Médano. Its windy beach received us with many colorful kites and sails from the surfers. We had a great time eating ice cream, talking and watching the wind surfers. We also took great pictures and got to know each other better. After this lovely day we all needed a long night of sleep to meet again the next day at school in the morning.
      Tuesday we had a short day at school where the Estonians gave us a video editing and photography course, and we participated in some lessons. After that we had a free afternoon which all the students decided to spend together on the beach. Here we played volleyball, some went into the water and we had a great time.
       I can´t tell you anything about Wednesday as I couldn't join the group on the trip to the Teide. But everybody told me that it was beautiful and the pictures looked great.
Carnival feeling in La Laguna

       Thursday was wonderful, we went to La Laguna and I got to see some parts of it I had never seen before and learned a lot about the city's history. After the tour we got some free time which I used to show my Estonian friends a carnival shop, after all it is a big thing over here. We had a lot of fun trying hats on and some of us even bought one that we wore for the rest of the day, on our trip to La Orotava, to everyone's amusement. That day I realized that I had gained many new friends.

       Friday was the best day according to my new friends. First we went to the Aloe park where we learned a lot about local agriculture and got to see some beautiful animals. I specially enjoyed feeding the donkey. After that we went to the Siam Park (this is probably why everyone loved this day too much). Here we teamed up to go to the rides together and had a lot of fun screaming. After this we went back to the school for a goodbye party where we got international music and food and heard some very moving words by everyone. I played some songs, and enjoyed dancing. It was also a sad night filled with goodbyes.
The Estonians saying goodbye

       Some of the students spent the rest of the evening at the beach remembering the wonderful time we shared. It was very emotional.

       On Saturday we brought everyone back to the airport, we were sad but also grateful for the experience we got to share. It was certainly an unforgettable week, an adventure that brought a group of strangers together, building new friendships and creating memories that we will take with us forever.

miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2018

Aurora Riverol

Erasmus+ Los Cristianos
(by Auroral Riverol)

I´m proud of saying this was the first time hosting someone in my house and that I´m sure I will do it again if I could.
Even before Manuela (the girl I was going to host from Croatia) came to Tenerife (Spain), I was really nervous about all of this experience. I already knew that it would be an unforgettable week in my life.
I couldn´t wait more for her arrival on 21st January, and so was it, that I welcomed Manuela with a bunch of flowers and a cardboard with “Welcome” written on it in the airport. I will never forget how happy she was because of it!

I was in good terms with her since the beginning. There was no night in which we didn´t end talking and laughing. She shared bedroom with me…and I still miss her there.

The next day started with the welcome ceremony for both exchange students and teachers, and a guided tour of the whole high school. After mid-breakfast, we visited the hotel Mar y Sol, best known thanks for being completely accessible for disabled people. There we had a fantastic lunch to fill our hungry stomachs.
We can all be thankful because of the people we just met at the beginning of this first day, their kindness and hospitality.
After that, we went to El Médano beach, where some of us went into the water while other just wanted to sunbathe, thanks to the awesome climate we have in our island.
There we made sure that all of the international students learned a bit more about how our climate affected to the huge tourism we have here.

On Tuesday 23rd we finally decided the logo we would use on our project. Then, we watched the videos of each country from the trip our teachers did to Istanbul, Turkey.
The next thing we did was trying the experience of going to a normal class, and for the group I was in, it was Chemistry.
We all had fun thanks to the experiments the teacher Félix made with us, also because some of us had not did them before.

The last thing we did in the high school was a little course of Video editing and Photography, in which the Estonian students and their teacher showed us what they were studying.

The afternoon of that day was, for me, the best time of all the week. It was a free afternoon, and all of the students decided to just go to the beach and relax there.
We played volleyball, laughed at everything, took a bath, and in general, just spend enough time together to know each other better and become real friends.
Wednesday 24th was the day we went to Vilaflor, and later, to El Teide, the third highest volcano in the whole world. We went hiking in that breathtaking scenery. Also, we visited a museum about it and did a short trip by bus around it. This was the most tiring day so far.
We all did a guided trip around La Laguna, where we could go shopping on Thursday 24th. After that, we visited a wine cellar in La Orotava. Views were so amazing that no one could stop taking pictures and more pictures there!
Eventually the last day came and it was actually really busy. We went to the Aloe Park, and then to the best water park in the world according to Trip Advisor, Siam Park.
At the end we went again to the high school to have a farewell party where some of us made a concert in honour of this experience.

They all were left by the 27th, but I know that such a great experience will always remain in our memories. I still miss them and I don´t know how to express how thankful I am with everything and everyone that made it possible.
Thank you!

No son vacaciones, por Reyes Díaz González

 Nuestra compañera, Reyes Díaz González del departamento de Agrarias participó recientemente en una movilidad como profesora acompañante del...